
8:00 AM Liturgical
10:30 AM Contemporary


2214 E Second Ave
Indianola, IA 50125


(515) 961-4321

Welcome to Mt. Calvary 

2025 Blended Service on the 5th Sunday of the Month.

March 30th, June 29th, August 31st & November 30th

On these dates, Mt. Calvary will hold a Blended Worship Service beginning at 9:15am, an Elder's Breakfast following worship.

We at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church Invite You to Worship with Us!  

No Matter Where You are at on Life's Journey, You are Welcome Here!

You will discover many exciting opportunities at Mt. Calvary. Our website is just an introduction to the spirit of our church. We want you to feel at home and comfortable here. Welcome to a growing and diverse Christian community.

You can also Join Us online for a scheduled Worship Service.

There is a place for you at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church.

Lenten Worship Service Schedule

Ash Wednesday     March   5th  -  7pm

NOTE: The meal before Ash Wednesday service is canceled due to weather.

Lenten Worship Service   March 12th, 19th & 26th  -  7pm

                                              April 2nd & 9th  -  7pm 

Learning Is For Everyone

LIFE class is Mt. Calvary’s midweek Bible education offering for children in 1st-5th Grade.  Pastor Tom leads the 6th, 7th & 8th Grade students in a study that challenges and brings them to an understanding, resulting in confirmation.  L.I.F.E Classes are held each  Wednesday. beginning at  6:00 p.m. Classes follow the public school calendar and are subject to school closings during the winter months. A light meal is served, beginning at 5:30 p.m., which provides students with the energy needed to learn about Jesus Love for All.

                   It's All About Christ

Grace Alone.  Faith Alone.  Scripture Alone.    

We walk in fellowship with the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (LCMS), a body of over 6,000 Lutheran congregations who boldly confess Christ as revealed in Holy Scriptures and affirmed by the Lutheran Confessions.

Mt. Calvary Online

Stay up to date with the happenings of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church by visiting our blog. You'll find information such as announcements, sermon notes and thoughts from Pastor Tom and DCE Aaron to encourage and challenge your walk with the Lord. Click Learn More to visit our online information page.

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