Our Youth
Mt. Calvary's
Cereal Box Dominos - March 2025
Thank you to the members of Mt. Calvary who donated 151 boxes of cereal. The cereal will be delivered to the Middle School for the community event on March 14th. After the community event, it will be delivered to Warren County Helping Hands.
While our groups are small, encouraging our youth to develop their own Faith in God while learning how to manage their lives by providing them with guidance and knowledge is our overall goal. Volunteers help our youth in many ways. Support for individuals can be spiritual, financial, moral, social, or any other form of help that they might need.
Throughout the year Mt. Calvary's Youth groups gather together to enjoy fellowship, have some fun and learn. Events such as bike rides, roller skating parties, ice skating, VBS helpers, Serving meals and Mission Trips are scheduled. Each group schedules its own events, so visit this page on a regular basis to find out what is happening and register for individual events as they are posted.