Ministry Statement


Sundays - 8:00 AM Liturgical & 10:30 AM Contemporary

Minstry Statement

Mt. Calvary is "a Caring Family Sharing Christ"   everyone C.A.R.E.S

C - Christ

We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, rose from the dead, and will come again to take all who believe in Him.

A - Adoration

We praise and worship Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We gather as God’s people in worship through Word and Sacrament.

R - Relationships

We love and care for each other in fellowship and reach out to others to tell them the Good News that Jesus cares for them.

E - Education

We teach and study the Bible, the inspired Word of God, and believe that God speaks through it to all ages: child, youth and adult.

S- Service

We serve one another following Jesus’ example of love to us.