

Sundays - 8:00 AM Liturgical & 10:30 AM Contemporary

Ministries involve people sharing with people.

Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church encourages all members to join in fellowship to serve one another and those around them.  Activities include Sunday School, L.I.F.E. Classes, Small Group Bible Studies, preparing meals, worship attendance, mission trips, Meals From the Heartland and many more.  There’s something for everyone and we invite you to explore get connected.

Online Ministry

Online Ministry offers a myiad of options for individuals who wish to study and learn or instruct others.   Below are links to various organizations who share our Lutheran Faith:

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod        Concordia Publishing House       CPH Bible Studies       

Lutheran Hour        Lutheran Hour Daily Devotions       LHM Bible Studies


Gospel Adventures       Bible Studies For Teens            LHM Teen Studies