Full Time Calling of A Christian


Sundays - 8:00 AM Liturgical & 10:30 AM Contemporary

by: DCE Aaron Finkel



    As we navigate our daily lives, it's essential to remember that our calling as Christians extends beyond Sunday worship and personal devotion. Martin Luther profoundly emphasized the full-time nature of our Christian calling. Luther wrote "So that all of us should proclaim God's word and works at every time and in every place." This means our faith is not limited to the pulpit or confined within church walls; it is a key part of our daily lives, our faith influences our actions, conversations, and interactions with the world around us.

    The Christian life should be outward-focused, encouraging believers to engage actively with their communities. This outward focus is beautifully shown in the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who stated, "The Christian does not belong in the seclusion of a cloistered life but in the thick of foes." Bonhoeffer's words remind us that our faith is not meant to be hidden or practiced in isolation. Instead, we are called to live it out in the middle of life's challenges, with those who may not share our beliefs or values. Luther also emphasized the importance of engaging with everyone who is lost or living in sin. He wrote, "The Christian must not flee the company of evil persons; instead, they seek it that they may help them. They do not want to go to heaven alone; they want to bring the greatest sinner if they can." This perspective transforms our understanding of mission and evangelism. It calls us to be the agents of God's grace and love in every context, seeking to bring others into the fold through our words and deeds.

    In practical terms, living out this full-time calling means looking for opportunities to serve and witness in our everyday lives. It could be as simple as offering a listening ear to a someone in distress, forgiving someone who has wronged us, or sharing our faith with a friend who is searching for meaning. Each interaction is an opportunity to reflect Christ's love and share the hope that we have in Him.

    As we go about our daily routines, let us be mindful of our role as God's ambassadors. Let our lives be a testament to His transformative power and boundless grace. Remember, our calling is not confined to the sacred moments within our church; it permeates every aspect of our lives, inviting us to be the light in the darkness and the salt of the earth. May we be inspired by Luther's and Bonhoeffer's words to embrace our full-time calling with joy and determination, proclaiming God's word and works at every time and in every place.

 In Christ

Aaron Finkel,  DCE 

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    As we navigate our daily lives, it's essential to remember that our calling as Christians extends beyond Sunday worship and personal devotion. Martin Luther profoundly emphasized the full-time nature of our Christian calling. Luther wrote "So that all of us should proclaim God's word and works at every time and in every place." This means our faith is not limited to the pulpit or confined within church walls; it is a key part of our daily lives, our faith influences our actions, conversations, and interactions with the world around us.

    The Christian life should be outward-focused, encouraging believers to engage actively with their communities. This outward focus is beautifully shown in the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who stated, "The Christian does not belong in the seclusion of a cloistered life but in the thick of foes." Bonhoeffer's words remind us that our faith is not meant to be hidden or practiced in isolation. Instead, we are called to live it out in the middle of life's challenges, with those who may not share our beliefs or values. Luther also emphasized the importance of engaging with everyone who is lost or living in sin. He wrote, "The Christian must not flee the company of evil persons; instead, they seek it that they may help them. They do not want to go to heaven alone; they want to bring the greatest sinner if they can." This perspective transforms our understanding of mission and evangelism. It calls us to be the agents of God's grace and love in every context, seeking to bring others into the fold through our words and deeds.

    In practical terms, living out this full-time calling means looking for opportunities to serve and witness in our everyday lives. It could be as simple as offering a listening ear to a someone in distress, forgiving someone who has wronged us, or sharing our faith with a friend who is searching for meaning. Each interaction is an opportunity to reflect Christ's love and share the hope that we have in Him.

    As we go about our daily routines, let us be mindful of our role as God's ambassadors. Let our lives be a testament to His transformative power and boundless grace. Remember, our calling is not confined to the sacred moments within our church; it permeates every aspect of our lives, inviting us to be the light in the darkness and the salt of the earth. May we be inspired by Luther's and Bonhoeffer's words to embrace our full-time calling with joy and determination, proclaiming God's word and works at every time and in every place.

 In Christ

Aaron Finkel,  DCE 

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